Many of these programs are interactive Web Pages. You need
JavaScript Enabled in your browser and you also need POP-UP Blockers
turned OFF for several of these quizzes to
work. Programs with "
" work best in Netscape (right click and select "Open With" -->
TGIF Quizzes
Below are the Main Programs to use for TGIF Quiz Preparation
- Weeks #1-3:
- Week 3 Elements on Quizlet:
- Element Names
- To run, click and choose "Open" or "Run"
- Student program by Cameron Baney
- List of elements and "weeks" may vary slightly from our list
- Week #4, 9, & 10:
- Weeks #5-8
- Common Ion QuizMaster -- The best program to learn the ions !
- Tips for Memorizing the Ions!
- Student Created Digital Flashcards
- Quizlet: (To practice on computer)
- If you have never used quizlet before, go to and click on "sign up". (In the upper right corner). Type in your registration info and hit "Signup". You may make up whatever you want to be your username and password, just remember what you've used.
- After logging in to quizlet, Go to and log in to the group using the password "arrow".
- Look through the list to see what sets have been posted. Click on any to veiw and practice.
- gFlash: To use flashcards on your Blackberry, Android, Iphone, or ITouch
- Download the free app called "gFlash"
- Open the gFlash App and look for the Search or Browse GWhiz catalog option.
- Type in WYChem in the search field and you should see the card sets created by our class
- Other Helpful Files for TGIF Quizzes
- TGIF Quiz Schedule
- The Element Quiz
- To install, click and choose "Open" or "Run"- follow the directions on the installation program
- "Element Quiz" will be installed on your hard drive and listed in Progams under "Start" Menu
- Student program by Jordan Brouillette
- Known Bugs - The program has "Plutonium" spelled incorrectly so it will tell you that you are wrong even though you have the correct answer for this element.
- Element Flash Cards
- nice online site to help you learn your element names and symbols
- List of Seven Common Acids
- Common Acids
- Learning the Ions
- Compounds - Naming and Writing Formulas
- Writing Formulas for Ionic Compounds - student created executable file (choose "Open" or "Run")
- (How To) Write Formulas for Ionic Compounds
monatomic anions have "ide" ending |
monatomic ions in column 7 on Pd Table have -1 charge monatomic ions in column 6 have -2 charge monatomic ions in column 5 have -3 charge |
F-1, Cl-1, Br-1 O-2, S-2 N-3,P-3 |
anions ending in "ate" have one more oxygen than "ite" |
elements and ions have the same name must be differentiated by context |
Na = sodium Na+1 = sodium |
The only common polyatomic cation is ammonium | ammonium = NH4+1 | ||||||||
Cations in column 1 on Pd Table have charge of +1 Cations in column 2 have charge of +2 Cations in column 3 have charge of +3 |
K+1, Na+1 Ba+2,Mg+2 Al+3 |
Metals in transition block must be memorized. Some metals may have more the 1 possible charge. When this is the case, the "ic" ending is used on the higher charge and the "ous" ending is used on the lower. |