Lab Report Guidelines
Lab Report
Introduction |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Rationale |
Task is clearly stated and defined. |
Task is unclear. |
No Attempt is
made. |
of Difficulties |
Accurately and thoroughly describes relevant
obstacles. |
Gives some obstacles, but does not describe or
omits the most significant obstacles |
No Attempt is
made. |
Methods |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
of solutions to overcome problem |
realistic solutions to overcome the obstacles. Solutions
will adequately compensate for difficulties. |
solutions to overcome most important obstacles, but not all. |
solutions to overcome obstacles, but not all important difficulties are
addressed. |
solutions that fail to address critical parts of the problem. |
No Attempt is
made. |
Procedure |
Clearly states
the process followed including detail on instruments used and task
assignment (who did what) |
Clearly states
the process followed but missing some detail of instruments used or
task assignment |
Procedure is
relatively unclear and missing detail. |
Procedure is
very unclear and no attempt is made to include detail. |
No Attempt is
made to describe procedure. |
Data Results and Analysis |
of Data |
All data is
presented in data tables and clearly labeled with correct units. |
All data is
present, but is unclear or not in data tables. |
Most data is
present, but some is missing or data may not be clearly labeled. |
Much data is
missing or not clearly labeled with units. |
No Data is
reported |
Explanation of
Calculations |
Formulas and
calculations are clearly shown in a logical sequence with at least one
example shown with numbers. |
All formulas
and calculations are shown, but difficult to follow or no examples are
given. |
Missing some
formulas and/or work for some of the calculations. |
Much of the
work and/or formulas are not shown. |
No formulas or
work is shown. |
Accuracy of
Calculations |
calculations are appropriate and performed correctly. |
calculations are appropriate but may contain a calculation error. |
calculations are not entirely appropriate.–or- Many
calculation errors are present. |
calculations do not accurately describe the result or several errors
are present. |
calculations are correct. |
Accuracy of
Results |
results average less than a 5% error. |
results average between a 5% and a 10% error. |
results average between a 10% and a 15% error. |
results average between a 15% and a 20%
error. |
Results avg
more then a 20% error. |
Figures |
All readings
from instruments and results from calculations are taken to correct sig
figs. |
One mistake in
significant figures is present either in reading the instrument or in
calculations. |
Two sig fig
mistakes are present. |
Regard for sig figs is apparent, but three or
more mistakes are made. |
No apparent
regard for sig figs |
Error Analysis and Discussion |
of sources of error |
identifies all sources of error, including subtleties, and makes clear
why the points identified are errors |
identifies all critical sources of error and makes clear why the points
identified are errors. |
Fails to
recognize some important sources of error or identifies some points
that are not sources of error. |
only insignificant sources of error or mistakes valid points for
sources of error. |
No Attempt is
made. |
Effects of
error |
Gives accurate
analysis of how the errors will and have impacted the results. |
Gives accurate
analysis of impact of errors, but missing detail. |
effects of errors, but omits some important points or does not predict
accurately. |
Does not
correctly predict the impact of the errors, of describes effects that
do not exist. |
No Attempt is
made. |
modifications to experiment |
highly thoughtful approach for correcting all sources of error. |
adequate methods for correcting major sources of error |
Gives some
modifications to correct some of the major sources of error, though
might not be best or appropriate solutions. |
Attmepts to,
but does not accurately describe how to compensate for the sources of
error. |
No Attempt is
made. |
Formatting, Information, and Use of Language |
Formatting and
Reporting Information |
All of the
following are observed: - Sample # is
included - Full names
of all lab partners given - All info
placed in appropriate sections - Typed or
neatly written on single-sided appropriate paper. |
All but one
are observed: - Sample # is
included - Full names
of lab partners given - All info
placed in appropriate sections - Typed or
neatly written on single-sided appropriate paper |
Only 2 are observed: - Sample # is
included - Full names
of lab partners given - All info
placed in appropriate sections - Typed or
neatly written on single-sided appropriate paper |
Only 1 is observed: - Sample # is
included - Full names
of lab partners given - All info
placed in appropriate sections - Typed or
neatly written on single-sided appropriate paper |
None are
observed. |
Use of Language |
Proper use of
grammar, spelling, and punctuation is observed consistently
throughout report. |
Several minor errors in
grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors are observed |
grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors are observed. |
Little regard
is taken to adhere to proper rules of grammar, spelling, and
punctuation |
No apparent
regard for proper lanauge use. |
Grade TOTAL ________ / 52