CLC Task Description and Info Page

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Creating Chemistry Flashcards or Study Guide
Points Possible
What To Do:   You may choose any one of the following 3 formats to create your study materials.  If you are making Digital Flashcards, you must make at least 25 flashcards to get the full credit for the project.  All definitions or descriptions should be in your own words.  Try to be creative and not use the same questions already on your notes or worksheets!

Guide for writing questions:
    • You should include a few questions about each major topic in the unit.
    • Give a variety of question types in your study guide. (multiple choice, matching, completion, short answer, etc)  
    • Cover the main concepts of the chapter.  Do not choose picky "stupid detail" questions in you study guide such as "What is Einstein's middle name?"
    • The questions that you use need to be original.  Do not merely copy them from your notes, book, or homework.  You may however, use those sources as a guide for ideas
  1. Create Online Flashcards Using Quizlet - (use this option if you like to study on the computer)
    1. If you have never used quizlet before, go to and click on "sign up". (In the upper right corner).  Type in your registration info and hit "Signup".  You may make up whatever you want to be your username and password, just remember what you've used.
    2. After logging in to quizlet, Go to and log in to the group using the password "arrow". 
    3. Look through the list of flashcard sets already posted to make sure that you are not creating a set that has already been created.
    4. Once you have chosen a topic that has not already been created, click on the "Make Flashcards" tab at the top.
    5. Give your set an appropriate Title describing your topic and then  set the Users to "Only Certain People".  As shown below, Place a check by the "WY Chemistry" Box.  Leave the "with password" box unchecked.
      quizlet image
    6. Scroll down to type in your terms and definitions and hit "Create Set" when done.
    7. Send an email to your instructor to identify yourself as the creator of the flashcard set. Be sure to include your quizlet user name and the title of the set you created.

  2. Create Digital Flashcards for Use with Cell Phone (Blackberry, Iphone, or Android) or ITouch Apps
    1. Go to
    2. Log in by typing in and bulldogs3 as the password.
    3. Click on the file called WYChem Flashcard Template and follow the instructions provided to type in your question.
    4. To use your flashcards on your phone or itouch:
      1. Download the free app called "gFlash"
      2. Open the gFlash App and look for the Search or Browse GWhiz catalog option.
      3. Type in WYChem in the search field and you should see your card set (it may take up to an hour after you have shared it to show up)
      4. If your card set does not show up after an hour, go back to google docs, open your file again and be sure you have shared it with

  3. Create a hard copy study guide for the class.  Your study guide should summarize (in your own words) the main topics and concepts of amy current or previous chapter.
    • Make an answer key for your study guide..  
    • Turn in a copy of your study guide with an answer sheet included. Include the questions with the answers. (IE - give one version of blank study guide and one versions with answers filled in).
ideas Words of Wisdom :
      • Look at the cover page on your unit packet. It lists the major topics for each chapter.  Be sure your study guide covers all of  the topics.

12 points 

Study Guide (12 points possible)


Number of Questions
Study Guide possesses a significant number of questions or ideas.  Usually 2-3 questions / notes for each major concept in the unit is appropriate.  This may be anywhere from 2-4 pages in length.
Study guide contains a respectable number of questions /nos, but may not have any questions/notes about a concept ot two covered in the unit.
Study guide is fairly limited - only asking questions or reviewing a few topics from the unit.

Quality of Questions
Study guide possesses a good variety of question types (multiple choice, true false, problems, short answer, completion, etc) or study hints. All questions pertain to unit of study and cover the main ideas.
Study guide contains a limited variety of question types. Questions may be slightly unrelated to unit or do not stress the major ideas of the Unit.
Study guide contains only 1 question/note type - only covers a the minor, unimportant ideas in the Unit.

Originality of Questions
The questions are original and well developed to draw out the main ideas of the Unit.
The questions are different, but very similar to questions from text and class worksheets.
The guide is merely a collection of questions copied from the text and worksheets.

Answer Key
The answer key is complete and completely accurate.
The answer key is complete, but contains an error or two.
The answer key is mostly complete and/or contains 3 or more errors.

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