Study Guide (12 points possible) |
Total |
Number of Questions
Guide possesses a significant number of questions or ideas.
Usually 2-3
questions / notes for each major concept in the unit is appropriate.
may be anywhere from 2-4 pages in length.
Study guide contains a respectable number
questions /nos, but may not have any questions/notes about a concept ot
covered in the unit.
Study guide is fairly limited - only
asking questions or reviewing a few topics from the unit.
Quality of Questions
Study guide possesses a good variety of
question types
(multiple choice, true false, problems, short answer, completion, etc)
study hints. All questions pertain to unit of study and cover the main
guide contains a limited variety of question types. Questions may be
unrelated to unit or do not stress the major ideas of the Unit.
Study guide contains only 1 question/note
type - only covers a the minor, unimportant ideas in the Unit.
Originality of Questions
The questions are original and well
developed to draw out the main ideas of the Unit.
The questions are different, but very
similar to questions from text and class worksheets.
The guide is merely a collection of
questions copied from the text and worksheets.
Answer Key
The answer key is complete and completely
The answer key is complete, but contains
an error or two.
The answer key is mostly complete and/or
contains 3 or more errors.