CLC Task Description and Info Page

Task Description | Rubric |  Examples of Task

Chemistry in the Media
Points Possible

  • Do you realize how often chemistry shows up on TV shows, movies or the newspaper?  The next time you notice some chemistry in use in your favorite TV show, newspaper, or movie, post a quick note to the WebBoard under the "Chem in the Media" conference
    • In your message, be sure to include:
      • A description and explanation of the use of chemistry you found
      • The name of the show, newspaper, or movie that you saw it on ( include TV channel if a show)
      • The date
ideas Words of Wisdom :
      • Watch CSI.

3 points 

Chemistry in the Media (3 points possible)


All of the following are observed:

  • The occurance of chemistry is accurately described and explained,
  • Both the media title and date are given in the posting
One of the following are observed:
  • The occurance of chemistry is vaguely described and explained,
  • Some of the media title and date is missing from the posting
One of the following are observed:
  • The occurance of chemistry is incorrectly described and explained
  • Both the media title and date are missing from the posting

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